Training Taguchi Methods on site? Learning by doing is our adagium. On your site. Enhance your R&D knowledge and Design of Experiments skills. Learn and improve simultanous.
In the figure you find a description of the 8-step process I@E uses to practise and learn Taguchi’s Design of Experiments. In regard to your case we can emphasise the following steps:
Training Taguchi on site
Step 0. Definition of the improvement-goal and how to measure this goal.
Step 1. Do we have the right team and who do we miss?
Step 2. Do we have the right knowledge and what do we miss?
Step 3. What are the boundaries of your System? Which parameters are important to take into account?
Step 4. Parameter design. Which matrix are we going to use? Multi level? Multi-output? | Dependancies?
Step 5. Real life test or simulation?
Step 6. Make your system Robust! Do your analysis well! What tells us the Paper Champion?
Step 7. Definition of parameters which are most likely to use for Tolerance Design (higher Q but also higher costs.) At which level is tolerance design preferable in consideration to costs using the “loss curve”.
Training Characteristics
I@E’s Taguchi Quality Engineering is known by the following characteristics:
- Structural optimization: System design, Parameter Design and Tolerance design
- Relation between Quality and Cost; the Loss -function
- Specific test designs: orthogonal arrays, S/N ratio, linear graphs and optimizing functions.
- No statistical background needed
- Building transparent sustainable knowledge.
For the practical case, tests should be carried out. Influence of production load can have an effect on the lead time of these tests. Simulations or R&D off-line tests can improve Testing time.
Company Deliverables
- Availability of a conference room with Projection and Flip-chart and Internet connection
- Availability of students on the scheduled training sessions
- Assigned project leader for development of parameter on the case.
Innovation @ Engineering Deliverables
- Training with respect to trainees and group dynamics
- Teaching materials as well on hard copy as digital version for every trainee
- Certificate of participation for every trainee
Training Taguchi on site
Training of a group of trainees of your company on site in. As well the principles in theory as a practical case will be subject and part of the training. With respect to the place in Europe where your company is situated, we use a 3-blocks training-scheme:
Block A: 3 on days on site
Theory: Parameter Design, Orthogonal Arrays, Knowledge Base, 8 steps of application model, Paper Helicopter Case, Make your system Robust with Signal to Noise ratio. Practise: Paper Helicopter flight time increasement. Your Case Taguchi way’s
Block B: Executing your case (in simulation or reality.) Supervising of case with 2-3 web meetings
Block C: 2 days on site
Looking back and forward. What did we learn? What is an ideal testmatrix, output(s), parameters, parameterlevels, testrepeatness, testsequence, availibitity of testtools, TTM? How can we do it better?
Is quality a roller coaster? Use Taguchi’s Design of Experiments. Essential knowledge for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) with their own R&D. Robust knowledge building. Transparent and sustainable knowledge about the decisions that are made during R&D. A valuable tool for Optimization, Improvement or PDCA.
Also applicable for Green Belt (case) to Black Belt (support).
Frans Balemans | Taguchi Specialist since 1987 | +31 – 6 – 22496503
Innovation@ Engineering | I@E